Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thalassemia Free Pakistan

In Thailand, 560,000 people - 2% of the population - have a suffer form of thalassemia. The vast majority of these suffer from the Hemoglobin H shape of the disease, although there are a large number of E beta thalassemics as well. About 1,250 babies die from hydrops featlis annually, either before or little after birth.

Infects Person From Thalassemia

Thalassemia is an inherited characteristic of the blood. It makes the amount of  hemoglobin in a human body, leading to anemia.
Deficiency or a lesser count of red blood cells, or too small hemoglobin in blood, is Anemia - which simply means a shortage of blood.
Pakistan is now free from Thalasemia. Now Pakistan are Helping to other counteries Like: China, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, and Other developed Countries like: France, Germany  etc.

Treatment ( Thalassemia)

Treatment for thalassemia major often involves regular blood transfusions and supplements.
If you receive blood transfusions, you should not take iron supplements. Doing so can create a huge amount of iron to build up in the body, which can be harmful.
Persons who receive significant numbers of blood transfusions need a treatment called chelation therapy to remove free iron from the body.
Bone marrow transplant may help treat this disease in few patients, especially children.

Signs and tests Of Thalassemia Disease

A blood sample will be taken and sent to a laboratory for examination.
  • Red blood cells will appear in small and abnormally Form when looked at under a microscope.
  • A complete blood count reveals anemia.
  • A test called hemoglobin electrophoresis shows the presence of an abnormal shape of hemoglobin.
A test called mutational analysis can help detect alpha thalassemia that cannot be seen with hemoglobin electrophoresis.

Symptoms Of Thalassemia

The most severe type of alpha thalassemia major create stillbirth (death of the unborn baby during birth or the late stages of pregnancy).
Children born with thalessemia major (Cooley's anemia) are normal at birth, but develop severe anemia during the 1st year of life.
Other symptoms can include:

Introduction Thalassemia

Here are many types of thalassemia. Each type has Various different subtypes. Both alpha and beta thalassemia include the following two forms:
  • Thalassemia major
  • Thalassemia minor
    Beta thalassemia major is also called Cooley's anemia or sekelcell anemia. 
    • Asian, Chinese, Mediterranean, or African American ethnicity
    • Family history of the disorder
      many People are infects More to more.
      But Pakistan is approving in thalassemia because most physician are working on Thalassemia

Disease Thalassemia

Thalassemia is most halassemia is a blood disorder passed down through families (inherited) in which the body makes an abnormal shap of , the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. The disorder results in excessive destruction of red blood cells, which leads to anemia.
Thalassemia is common in South African and west Asia.
But now it are common in Amarica, South britian. Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka etc.